Flowork - Social Capital Development Network

John-Paul Hatala
  • Male
  • Toronto, Ontario
  • Canada

John-Paul Hatala's Friends

  • Charlene
  • Farah Alizadehahi
  • Beverley Rodrigues
  • Maureen Miller
  • Sandra Lim
  • Michael Larbalestier
  • Rich Guard
  • Catherine Stephens
  • Mayo McDonough
  • GopiKrishan Bali
  • David Utts
  • Layne Hood
  • Martha Sealy
  • André Dan
  • Raaj Kannan

John-Paul Hatala's Discussions

Share a time you turned social capital into social income
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Imran M. Ismail May 3, 2010.

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John-Paul Hatala's Page

Profile Information

What's the most recent professional goal you are trying to achieve?
I am trying to create a social networking incubator and I'm looking for other interested people
What 2 Social Resources (i.e., knowledge, contacts, information, etc.) do you bring to the network?
Knowledge of Social Capital Theory, Networking process

John-Paul Hatala's Blog

Social Networking Websites: Generating some social income in a time of economic uncertainty

Just how important is social capital, anyways?

It can be a simple, unconscious experience: you slow down your vehicle to provide space for a car entering the freeway. It could have an enormous impact on your world: you’ve always wanted to write a novel and you just found out your best friend’s sister-in-law is an editor with a large publisher. The world would be a vastly different place without the foundation of relationships in our lives.

Turning your social capital into… Continue

Posted on April 2, 2009 at 11:19pm — 1 Comment

Join me on Twitter

Hello all, I've entered the world of Twitter. If you have a twitter account, my username is jphatala. I would be glad to follow you. What I like best about the concept is that you only have 140 characters to get your point across. My research indicates that the more precise you are in sharing your goals the greater the likelihood that someone will help.Twitter represents the opportunity to practice this important skill at the same time receiving feedback on how well you're doing it. Give it a… Continue

Posted on March 29, 2009 at 7:16pm

What's up with online social networking?

Hello all, I've ventured into the world of twitter (jphatala) and actually like the concept of micro blogging...or better yet, the opportunity to get your point across in 140 characters. It's actually a good exercise for setting goals and an activity that I will be using with individuals who are trying to become better networkers. Twitter forces them to be specific. If you're interested in joining me on a research project using Twitter, drop me a note and I will fill you in and let you know how… Continue

Posted on March 26, 2009 at 10:19pm

It's all about giving when it comes to building social capital!

When's the last time you went to your network and offered something up to your contacts? If you don't know the answer, it's time to start thinking about giving something back, especially if you find yourself asking for help during these tough economic times. We sometimes get caught up looking for help so that we can accomplish our own goals and we forget to give back. Remember, social capital is like a savings account, if we keep withdrawing money and don't add more to it, it will eventually go… Continue

Posted on March 24, 2009 at 11:06pm

Is there such a thing as negative social capital?

Researchers are turning their attention towards the negative side of social capital. If you were to peruse the literature you undoubtedly come up with more studies of how social capital helps us in our lives than you would find how it hurts us.

However, it's important to remember that not all social capital is good. I can think of gangs, poor attitude of students and many others than impact people's lives negatively. It's important to promote positive relationship development in our… Continue

Posted on March 21, 2009 at 8:18am

Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 5:46am on January 8, 2009, Sandra Lim said…
Thank you for your warm welcome, John-Paul. Prior to starting my business providing career transition services, my education and work experience was in HR. Ideally, I would like to find a position that combines my career management and HR knowledge. I was interviewed for such a a position in 2008, but the company imposed a hiring freeze due to economic conditions. I am looking for a job in Toronto, with no particular industry preference.
At 12:42pm on January 8, 2009, Michael Larbalestier said…
Hi JP. Thanks for setting up this social network! Things are pretty cold here in the UK at the moment! But not as cold as Madison WI which is where my next North American conference is going to be in a couple of weeks time. I'm speaking on the use of the social web and careers guidance/counseling at the Careers Conference 2009 at the University of Wisconsin.

Look forward to participating in this social network! But first I need to buy some ear warmers for my visit to the states :)

Best regards, Michael
At 8:06am on February 6, 2009, Jean Giroux said…
Hi, Paul
Thanks for the email. I am just completing a BA in Psychology. Feels like I am in the final stretch now with only 3 credits to go.
Have a great day,
At 12:50pm on March 6, 2009, Sheena said…
Hi Paul !
Thanks for the warm welcome. Talking about techniques of destressing for new immigrants... my first approach is to build a trusting rapport with my clients and 'listen' to their stories of transition and success stories in their countries of origin. I am working with immigrants, who are internationally trained professionals, struggling to overcome barriers to settle down in their own professional sectors , in Canada. Very often I ask them to incorporate certain breathing techniques in their day to day schedule as I believe very deeply that breath is linked to our emotions & state of mind. And if we know the right techniques we can change the thought process & mind set.

At 5:58am on May 22, 2009, Roger Guy Baguley said…
Hi J-P,

Please review Kass Henderson's comments and have her comments removed from the website and perhaps her registeration also.

Thanks Roger Guy Baguley
At 10:06am on January 28, 2010, Paula said…

Thanks for the welcome. I'm keen to find my way around, and contribute where I can.

At 11:23am on February 28, 2010, Terry Elliott said…
Thanks for the welcome. I will be calling on all of you for help as I work toward understanding social capital online and beyond.

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