Flowork - Social Capital Development Network

In these tough economic times many people are battling the forces that are at play and impacting their economic reality. Pulling together and leveraging the social resources that exist within our networks is a viable option for making it through these tough times. If this is so, why do so many of us fail to connect strategically with the people in our lives?

I'm probably guilty of this as well and work hard to go against my natural tendencies to retreat and deal with things on my own. I am constantly bringing the act of networking to the conscious level so I can practice what I preach and turn my social capital into social income. It's hard but we must force ourselves to do it we are going to make it through these turbulent times. If you're working with someone or want to get a head, think about your network. Not only that, think about how you can help in return. You will be surprised what can happen.

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